.kiwi.nz Registrant Agreement

Last Updated August 27, 2012
  1. The Registrar's Obligations
  2. The Registrant's Obligations

The Registrar's Obligations

We agree that we will:

    1. Complete the .kiwi.nz provisional registration within 12 hours from the time we receive all the information required to complete a registration if it is within our advertised business hours of 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday, and otherwise within 48 hours.
    2. Register the name for a period of 1-3 months;
    3. Confirm details of the provisional registration;
    4. Advise you when the .kiwi.nz domain reaches the required threshold of 500 registrations in the one month time frame and is declared active. An opportunity to renew the registration to increase the term may also be offered at this time;
    5. Advise you if the .kiwi.nz domain fails to reach the required threshold of registrations and that the provisional registration is cancelled. In this situation you will receive a refund for any payment made;
    6. Charge a fee of $3.00 (exc. gst) for each 1 month registration.

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The Registrant's Obligations

You agree that you will:

    1. That the original registration under .kiwi.nz is governed by the DNC's Second Level Domain Policy. It is provisional and a threshold of 500 registrations in .kiwi.nz is required for the .kiwi.nz domain to be declared active;
    2. That the details associated with the provisional registration will be locked so that no changes can be made while it remains provisional, and the domain name will not be delegated to the DNS during this provisional registration period;
    3. That the provisional registration period applies until the registration threshold is met or for a maximum of one month;
    4. That as soon as the threshold is met and the domain is declared active your domain name will be delegated and can start being used by you;
    5. That if 500 registrations in a month are not achieved in .kiwi.nz, the domain will not be created and your provisional registration will be cancelled.
    6. For more information regarding .nz Second Level Domains, visit this DNC page.
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